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Advanced Implant Restorations for the Completely Edentulous Patients.




8am -5pm


Course Location: Geneva Dental Institute 5327 Dewey Dr., Fair Oaks, CA 95628


Instructors: Jack Z. Danilov G.M.D.T. & Tony Daher DDS


*call for pricing and more information 

Course Description

The 2-day seminar consists of a lecture and a hands-on portions. Seminar begins with Dr. Tony Daher outlining the problems encountered with diagnosing completely edentulous patients with implants. When complete denture lack the retention and the stability necessary for a comfortable wear, the attachment implant overdenture or Implant Fixed Complete Denture are prescribed. Restoring the edentulous patient with implants presents numerous challenges to the clinician. These challenges can vary from simple functional and esthetics problems to more complicated ones. Organized treatment plan is necessary to overcome these problems and the final product will be predictable and satisfactory from a patient and a doctor point view. The lecture will emphasize the differences between restoring the complete edentulous mandibular arch and the maxillary edentulous arch. A variety of treatment options and prosthesis designs will be described. Many clinical situations will be presented with a step-by-step simplified approach to provide final prostheses that meet patients’ expectations from estheticand functional perspectives.

With the use of slides and videos of some clinical situations, the presentation will answer these following questions:

1. What are the differences between conventional dentures, implant overdentures and implant fixed complete dentures.
2. What is the magic number of implants required for a stable and retentive denture?
3. Should these implants be interconnected or independent?
4. What are the popular attachments used in these situations?
5. How do we sequence the implant overdenture and fixed complete denture treatment plan for an optimum outcome?
6. How do we maintain these implant prostheses?

Presentation gives 16 hours of CE credit for Dentists, Assistants, Hygienists, Technicians, Laboratory

Course Outline
  • What are the reasons for failure in removable partial prosthetics?

  • What is the simplest way to design an RPD?

  • What type of attachments can we use?

  • How do we incorporate RPD features and attachments in crowns used as RPD abutments?

  • How can implants help in optimizing the treatment outcome?

  • How do aesthetics play a role in the design of an RPD?



The hands-on portion of the seminar will cover many RPD design exercises. Dr. Daher will give many casts of various clinical situations to attendees to design and draw RPD frameworks. The hands-on experience will be based on presentations of clinical cases, and the class will discuss the RPD design and treatment principles, and will focus on evidence-based procedures in fabricating RPD’s using attachments and dental implants.

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